Saturday, April 19, 2014

Avg American Pays $8,577 for Welfare

  According to the US Census Bureau, 101.7 million full time workers are paying for welfare benefits but 108.5 million Americans are receiving these benefits.

  This article attacks President Obama for keeping the poor out of work and welfare.

  The total benefit(food, medical care, housing, social service and cash) that a family of four could receive is $40,000/year in tax payer funded subsidies.
 So the writer wonders, why would someone work making around $55,000 when, after paying taxes,they will receive LESS than they could stay at home live on welfare earnings ?

To keep the welfare program solvent, each American taxpayer is forced to pay an average of $8,776 every year. The avg welfare recipient is given $9,500 per year.

The difference of $724 per person aka "free govt benefits" is adding up in the already large
$17 trillion deficit.

The number of Americans relying on food stamps have risen by 1,625% since 1969.
It has also been projected that approximately 50% of all US children will be on food stamps at some point in their lives.

In 2011, the government spent $41.3 million ONLY for the advertisements of food stamps.


  1. I think there is lunacy in a system designed to "help the poor" yet somehow manages to give benefits to 108.5 million people. I never new the United States had so many poor people. On a more serious note, this is why the United States is in troubled financial state. We provided a disincentive for people to work (lowering revenue) and we provided benefits to people at all levels of income. These massive, middle-class entitlements are the problem, and yet they are not easily solved.

  2. I will have to agree with Tyler but I also think that the system was established to help the poor. However, some people will always abuse the system. I don't think the author was right to attack President Obama because I'm sure if he was the president and took away food stamps, he would be out of the office in less then a year. On the other note, taking away food stamps would result in a massive starvation around the country. I think that there people who desire government's help, and they are those who don't need the help but yet receive it. In this world, you cannot make everyone happy and because of it, there is no such thing as a perfect system.
