Sunday, April 13, 2014

Jobs recovery killing entrepreneurial spirit

 476,000 new businesses were created each month  last year, mostly in the construction and services industries.That's down 7% from 2012, when 514,000 new businesses were being created monthly.
And,  Men, who are substantially more likely to start a new business than women, led last year's entrepreneurial decline.Older adults, aged 45 to 54, opened more new businesses last year. And, immigrants tend to start up business more than before.  So, people who wants to start up business are changed. I think that American men  lose their entrepreneurial spirit.

  The author is concerned it could lead to fewer high-growth startups, which typically generate revenue and jobs at a more robust rate than other small businesses.

 before reading this article, I thought that the good job market stimulates the an entrepreneur. However the relationship is the opposite from what I thought. Perhapas, people who are satisfid with the salary and the job does not want to start up a business ,because they don't have to take a risk.


  1. I don't necessarily think that job growth is the cause of American men losing their entrepreneurial spirit, it's that the government has essentially made it so hard for small business to be started up and function smoothly in our economy. Ironically, it's what's causing unemployment, when small business cannot keep employees due to less profit. There also is a huge risk Hideo, which I agree with. With high risk comes high reward, but I think it's been tougher for entrepreneurs to sustain their companies.

  2. I think that the lack of entrepreneurs starting new businesses comes from the lack of start a new business. The economy is starting to turn back to what it was and people are not as scared and willing to take on as much risk as before.

  3. Contrary to what this article suggests, I think the U.S. economy craves young entrepreneurs. It is easier now more than ever to create a business and share your ideas with billions of people around the world. Yes, the recovery of jobs has more people going back to work. But for the risk takers out there the reward is great.
