Saturday, April 13, 2013

Is wood the fuel for future ?

This article discuss how the biggest source of energy in Europe at the moment is wood. In some countries, wood even provided 80% of their used energy. This leaves the majority of the energy industry in Europe scouring for more woods. Because Europe could not produce enough woods for their use, a large amount of woods come from import, which pushes the price for wood over the top. The consequences are not only the price though, as the subsidies Europe countries created are also big enough to be a concern and the carbon emission is also posing a problems in near future. Perhaps wood might not be the best answer for a renewable source of energy.


  1. New alternative sources of fuel have been a concern for the future as the environmental and political issues keep growing. The technological advancements have been amazing in the recent history, but the current fuel giants such as Exxon have been buying up rights and funding research in alternative fuels such as algae bio fuel. It would be more economical to control and use up fossil fuels until it is no longer financially feasible before introducing alternatives to bio fuel, therefore I personally don't see much progress in alternative fuels until it is absolutely necessary.

  2. I definitely believe wood is not the best option we have. Although it is a renewable resource, the process takes forever. Not to mention the issue of carbon emission. We are all going towards a greener environment so cutting down trees isn't exactly going to help.

  3. Although wood seems to be a large source of fuel in Europe i do not believe that this is a good source for energy. It is harmful to the environment and is not the most efficient source. There have been many advancements made in alternative energy. There are or needs to be better fuel ideas for the future but I believe wood is not the answer.
