Monday, April 8, 2013

Fuel for the future

The article talks about alternate energy resources and focuses on efforts in producing energy without combustion.Europe has three-quarters of the world’s total installed capacity of solar photo-voltaic energy.Germany trebled its wind-power capacity in the past decade. Even then,by far the largest so-called renewable fuel used in Europe is wood. The article further talks about how prices of woods are soaring and also focuses on the need to reduce wood consumption in Europe for energy purposes


  1. I agree that wood should not be relied on as a primary power source, and to me, the fact that it was classified as a renewable energy source is questionable. Hopefully the rising cost of wood will begin to slow down the growth in demand.

  2. I agree that wood should not be used as an alternative resource. We currently have a problem with chopping down or clearing out forests. We need to find another resource that would be less expensive than would and not run the risk of clearing out more forests.

  3. With oil being a finite resource we need to focus on alternate. Wood I feel like would be a poor alternate. I don't know how much energy you can harness from burning wood but I am willing to wager it isn't a large amount. Another factor to consider when determining this is that wood is also an extremely finite resource and I believe we would face a lot of environmental issues if we started cutting forests down at a more rapid and larger rate.
