Thursday, April 11, 2013

Class of 2013 faces grim job prospects

The article says college grads under age 25 face an 8.8% unemployment rate, and of those who do have jobs, more than half work in positions that don't require a bachelor's degree. For those who will find jobs, many will probably have to settle for low-level positions. But again if we look at it, nobody gets to start at the top, we have to earn our place. The job market certainly has improved during the past few years. But the rate still remains higher than pre-recession level. Maybe we just have to wish for the best, and plan for the worst.


  1. With many of us soon to graduate this is definitely a very scary thought. Getting a good job is so tough these days but that is crazy to think that it is predicted so many of us will settle for such low jobs.

  2. I agree with Sean in the fact it is alarming if this trend continues. However, I do understand the aspect of we should not expect high level jobs as soon as we graduate from college. We need to put in time and hard work to get where we want to be. I just hope upon graduating we will no longer have to settle for jobs that do not require a bachelor's degree.

  3. While the job market is not the best for our soon to be graduated college students, it also falls on the students. I know plenty of people who have worked internships during college that have turned into jobs, maybe not starting at the top, but still a job for after graduation. And the way people should look at it is that the first job after graduation may not be your dream job, but it should be something that can help you work toward your dream job.

  4. I completely agree with Allyn; the sun, in order to become the brightest most glorious star out there, burns. And so must we burn with a passion and then there will be light, there will warmth, and there will be beauty.
