Saturday, April 13, 2013

Don’t make us Führer

Don’t make us Führer

Germany still has to deal with the guilt from World War Two, and this guilt has resulted in them not accepting a leadership role in the European Union. With more countries going into debt, Germany holds all the power, but they are reluctant to stand up and take charge out of fear of offending and angering the other nations in the EU. If they don't stand up and take over and lead the union and instead they leave and go back to the D-mark then the European Union could collapse and fall. They would then be criticized for abandoning everyone. No matter what they do, they cannot win and if this continues the Germans might get pushed to far.


  1. I agree that it would be terrible for the European Union if Germany were to bail. Germany being one of the few that provides EU bailouts and being in charge of the central bank in Europe they have alot of to take care of. I understand where Germany is coming for though. There is alot of countries bankrupting in Europe and it has put tremendous pressure on Germany.

  2. I know that this is easy to say as an American, and as an American student no less, but hasn't Germany taken enough of the blame for what happened under Hitler? It would be like if Northerners still hated Southerners after the American Civil War. It makes no sense that over 70 years after the downfall of the Third Reich people are still pointing fingers and calling Germans 'Nazis.' Last I checked, the largest worker party movements were in Greece. Germany continues to be the "bailer-outer" and it held to all the provisions in its contracts whereas the other countries that are in financial trouble now did not. So rather than pointing at Germany and yelling how it isn't their fault and Germany is being mean, the other countries of the EU (especially those in trouble) need to get their act together, stop criticizing their elders (a country who has already been through this type of crisis), and hurt a bit. Stop biting that hand that is feeding money to your failed systems!!!
