Saturday, April 13, 2013

April 13, 2013, 2:35 p.m. EDT

Obama’s budget no compromise: Republican

A House Republican freshman on Saturday called President Barack Obama’s newly unveiled budget proposal “a blank check for more spending and more debt,” ripping into the plan in the GOP’s weekly address.“The president’s budget isn’t a compromise,” charges Rep. Jackie Walorski of Indiana.
“Even when the president’s budget offers signs of common ground — like modest entitlement reforms — he says he won’t follow through unless he can impose more tax increases,” she says. 
Obama had hoped that by including the so-called “chained CPI” measure, he could help bring Republicans to the table for a deal to reduce the U.S. budget deficit. Republicans say Obama’s moves on entitlement spending don’t go far enough, and groups including the AARP slam the chained CPI for its ability to slow the growth of Social Security benefits.  
Obama’s budget will serve as a marker in the fiscal debate this spring and summer. The White House and lawmakers are now gearing up for what promises to be charged negotiations about raising the U.S. debt limit this summer.


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