Sunday, February 24, 2013

Video games on the out?

With the recent buzz surrounding the new announcements by Sony and Microsoft respectively for the new PlayStation 4 and the Xbox 720 the industry itself has got some new players. This new influx of interest is much needed due to the fact that last year in the united stats the demand for consoles dropped by 20 percent       partly due to the fact that there has not been a new system by either in 6 years. Also people could be looking to cheaper, more readily accessible phone games, which more people may be able to use. 


  1. Both Sony's PS3 and Microsoft's Xbo 360 have huge loyal fanbases. Additionally, there will be number of exclusive games on PS4 and Xbox 720 that will be launched during the same times these two consoles get released, I would not be surprised if the two will continue to be fine. Sure some might come to phone games, however the phone games will barely have such rich content and high production value that those exclusive console games can bring, and I doubt the number that can turn his back on Sony and Microsoft powerhouses for some app games. It has been six years and the replacement would be welcomed. The competition would be stiff, but it is much needed for the market to grow.

  2. It makes sense that a small portion of the fan base of these video game consoles would switch over the phones and tablets games due to convenience and newer technology. Although, these two companies do seem to have pretty loyal customers, so the impact of switchers to phones and tablets might not impact too much.

  3. Xbox 360 and PS3 have a very loyal fan base but with every system they are only a fad. Despite their cult followings these systems age and with age people get tired. Graphics have remained stable with no major leaps or improvements. With the release of new systems I believe it will spark new interests as well as make a huge increase in sales and erase their recent deficits. I am personally looking forward to seeing the improvements in the new gaming systems. It will be surprising to see how microsoft and Sony's stock's respond to the release of their new products.

  4. As Matt stated Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PS3 have a very loyal fan base, but each system is on the oust. Video games are becoming less relevant now because with the ever growing technology (Ipads for example). Microsoft and Sony have not came out with a new system and this creates a lack of interest when it comes to video game. There has not been an improvement in graphics and people want to buy new products if there is an improvement that will benefit them. Personally I believe video games are still very much a live, but Microsoft and Sony need to come out with a new system ASAP because video games are becoming less relevant. With the release of a new system will come relevance again.

  5. I feel as though this article does not address handheld consoles such as DS or game boy. It is true that many of the systems are outdated, however because the people who are now the target market of video games probably see the old ps systems and Xbox systems as outdated since they were not playing when those systems were released and the people who have those systems are slowing down consumption as their time is eaten elsewhere. So the new release will bring some change though it may not be the change that everyone wants so desperately for the industry.
