Monday, February 25, 2013

Arsenal half year profits dip to £17.8m

Arsenal Football Club has seen a drop in half years profit to £17.8 Million , this happened despite selling their star striker to Manchester United FC for  £24 Million. Arsenal made  £50 Million last year during the same time period. The profit from selling players was £23.2m much lower than when compared to last years £46.1.

Arsenal has raised its tickets prices which are among the highest in world football , this money that was contributed by fans should be put to good use like investing in the team and purchasing some really good talent which would help arsenal win some trophies which they haven't done since 2005. Winning trophies would certainly help boosting the teams morale , which would make sure that star players don't leave the club and also help them financially because winning trophies would attract more sponsors.


  1. It's performances like they had today that are causing such dramatic drops in profits. Once a top-tier championship club, Arsenal are now on the outside of the Champions League bubble--and their fans are well-aware.

    Sports, like any other industry, are results-driven. When results are poor, profits are sure to be poor. When Arsenal sold RVP, they sold their chance at any title. The front office can't expect such a team to draw the crowd that it did in the days of Dennis Bergkamp and Thierry Henry. Honestly, these economic results should not come as any surprise.

  2. This article speaks to Arsenal's priorities; there are clearly conflicting stances within the club about what is most important. Cash is not the problem, profit even though falling is not the problem, but it is the football - how ironic. It's bemusing to see how the manager is sitting on cash, but single handedly digging the football club's grave.
