Sunday, February 24, 2013

UK looking up during tough times

In this article it shows that in the past year the UK's economy during this recession has been looking much better in ways of jobs.  Current jobless total in the UK fell by 14,000 between October and December to a total of 2.5 million.  Even though the number of workers has increase by 154,000 and more then 580,000 people are employed than last year, the real wage has gone down.  This is because the inflation being experienced right now in this current recession is higher than the pay increases.  Therefore even though more people are being employed they are on average taking a 1,200 pound pay cut to keep their jobs or find new ones.  This may seem like a bad thing but the average weekly pay without bonuses and before taxes is up 6 pounds to 445.  In the end these numbers detailed in the article are startlingly great, but in the current state the economy is in these numbers are much better than they could be.  Also, the pay cuts that people are taking are according to the fact that there far more workers in the UK economy but it still producing the relatively same amount of output which this article calls "falling productivity."

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