Sunday, February 24, 2013

Middle-Income Claptrap

This article discusses the so called "claptrap that many middle-income countries face.  It talks about how they are not prosperous enough to compete with advanced countries, but that it is also hard for them to compete with low income poverty stricken ones as well.  It states that poor countries make quick progress then loose their way.  The article further discusses that this may not always be true and that other factors may be involved in the progress of countries.  Also that certain countries may not follow the pattern of this theory.

1 comment:

  1. It seems as though these poor countries prosper then slow down due to increasing need of money which they just don't have. These countries get to a point where they need an increasing supply of money to keep the technology, markets, etc. going which they just don't have at that point. They then get stuck in a rut with no place to go. Countries need to make sure they have the funds to keep them going. These are the normal stages of growth.
