Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Impact of Budget Cuts in DC

This article explains the impacts of the budget cuts, cutting about $85 billion. The cuts impact areas like education, environment, military readiness and law enforcement, employment assistance aid, and public health. Something that we could connect to, is the education factor. DC would lose around $533,000 for funding primary and secondary education, along with $925,000 for teachers, aides, and staff assisting with disabled children. A lot of these cuts are cuts in areas that need improvement and funding.


  1. What it doesn't say in this article is that there may be a possibility for private investment into those schools if the government retracts its funding. Also, I question whether or not this is a comprehensive list of all the cuts that will be made by the government in the coming year. This is a negative thing, however it is unfortunately necessary to continue what has been happening.

  2. Unfortunately this article doesn't take a look at what the budget cuts actually do to the public. School districts are bracing themselves for the worst, they fear that so many programs and departments will be cut. The cuts are felt from Keller, Texas, where the district moved to a pay for ride transportation system rather than cut busing altogether, to Georgia, where 20 days were shaved off the calendar for pre-kindergarten classes. Public schools do not receive much private investment and not everyone can afford to send their children to private schools. Education should be receiving more funding so that we don't keep falling behind in world education.
