Sunday, February 24, 2013

7 large impacts of federal budget cuts.

Millions of American families are addressing the forced budget cuts that could start on March 1.
 If they happen, there are seven cuts that will be really felt by many Americans.
1. Shrinking unemployment benefits. On average, it would mean a cut of $400 over the period between March and September.
2. Food to cost more and even face a shortage, particularly chicken, eggs, pork and beef. There will be less food available, by as much as 2 billion pounds of meat, 3 billion pounds of chicken, 200 million pounds of eggs.
3. Cuts to Meals on Wheels programs. More than 4 million home-bound and disabled seniors may have to go without supper this year because of this.
4. At least $400 million cuts to Head Start programs. 70,000 children from lower income families will not be able to enroll for pre-schools and daycare centers.
5. National parks will close campgrounds or open late. The National Park Service will lose $110 million from its annual budget.
6. Longer lines at the airport.Worker furloughs will increase the time to check passengers, leading to one extra hour for domestic travelers and four for international passengers.
7. Roofs blown off by Hurricane Sandy won't get repaired. About $3 million has been cut from a supplemental bill for Hurricane Sandy victims.

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