Sunday, February 24, 2013

Honda moves U.S. head from California to Ohio

Honda announced Saturday it will be moving its top North American executive, along with 50 other salaried workers, from California to Ohio. Honda has been manufacturing cars in Marysville since 1982. They supply over 13,000 jobs in Ohio. According to the report, Honda expects this move to ensure better decision-making and more efficient operations. Tetsuo Iwamura will add the title Chief Operating Officer of automobiles. They expect this move to provide the best foundation to manufacture new, exciting, and affordable automobile products.  It is good to see more jobs being moved to Ohio. I think Honda is a great company and it is good to see they are increasing their mark in Ohio.


  1. With this move the economy in Ohio may see a bounce back with renewed interest in the small state. We may see our electoral vote rise and see more big businesses try to move in after the successes Honda has seen here

  2. Very encouraging to see a huge company like Honda recognize the importance of its blue collar employees. Today's American economy comes under scrutiny for being service based and not goods based; with this move, the automotive industry is back in the Midwest like it has been in the past. Very glad to see the middle class gain some well deserved recognition; if nothing else, this move will silence some critics of the current focus of the economy.
