Monday, September 20, 2010

Recession Officially Ended In June 2009

The recession has officially ended! The 18-month recession was the longest since the Great Depression, and it will take years for the Economy to recover fully.

The 18-month recession was the longest since the Great depression, and it will take years for the economy to recover fully.


  1. I feel this is a pretty bold article, especially considering how bad the housing market and unemployment is, the two largest issues with this "past" recession. Also, temporary recovery is followed by another recession in a double-dip, which is what some economists are forecasting.

  2. I agree with Jeffrey that the article is pretty bold and can hurt sensitivities of those facing the real affects of the recession. But I think what the article is trying to show is that in numbers we are probably out of the recession, but the process after is a long and slow one. Although the housing and unemployment market is still pretty bad, the idea is that the economy is recovering. It is not a robust recovery but the economy is growing (at a really slow rate but at a growing rate all the same).
