Sunday, September 19, 2010

Economic Treason Not To Hire?

In this opinion piece, the publisher of Forbes Magazine attempts to dispel the claim by a union leader that banks, corporations, and health insurance companies have committed "economic treason" by, respectively, not lending to small businesses, not creating jobs, and raising premiums despite massive profits. Karlgaard claims that corporations aren't hiring because "Congress and the Obama Administration, particularly with health care, have made it costlier to do so in a time of slowing growth". This seems like an invalid defense to me considering that the vast majority of provisions in the health care legislation haven't come into effect and won't even begin to be implemented for years. In his piece, Karlgaard also ignores the challenge from the labor force that banks and corporations were bailed out with taxpayer money and are not fulfilling their role in the social contract by increasing employment and lending instead of hoarding profits and giving huge bonuses to executives of failed companies.

1 comment:

  1. While the banks are hesitant to lend because of a bullish market they are not the only problem. Companies are hesitant to invest because of the uncertainty present in the stock market. With large companies reluctant to borrow, and small companies struggling to survive in the current economic situation banks either cant or wont lend.
