Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bioscience can be just the pill Ohio's economy needs

While most of the economy around the country and state are doing poorly, not BioOhio. BioOhio is a government-supported non-profit organization that focuses on new, technology based industries in Biology. Furthermore, this biology company has been one bright spot of Ohio's economy. Since 2000, BioOhio has grown by almost 18 % and has added an additional 55,000 workers. This sector has more than 1,200 companies in all, which include research, drug makers, medical labs, medical equipment manufacturers, and diagnostic imaging centers. Also soon BioOhio will provide courses and training at community colleges around the state of Ohio. This is obviously a growing sector which could help get the economy back on track. With BioOhio, many jobs are opening up, and opportunities in education are being provided. This line of work is providing a bright spot now, and could provide a stable job market for the future.

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