Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dow plunge is wake-up call to deal with debt

On Thursday, the Dow took a sudden turn for the worse and dropped almost 1,000 points before it could stop and regain two thirds of that back. The things that some people blamed it on were technical glitches, the violence in Greece, and historic U.K. elections. However, it's looking like the market will be having a lot of these issues for awhile to come, and it's not going to be for these reasons. It's because of the debt in the U.S. Greece's debt and debt contagion in many European countries is also going to cause trouble. With many countries in debt, the exports from the U.S. are going to be in danger and not gain as much money, which then will create more U.S. debt since they're making less and still spending more. Also, there is going to be a lot of competition trying to finance all the debt in the world, and the more countries that need it, the more trouble.

1 comment:

  1. While the European debt crisis is not a insignifigant issue, at this point in the recession countries seem to be on top of economic issues. With Germany prepared to assist asny EU countries to keep the Euro high, and with asain countries with huge reserves that can be used to buy debt the situation is not dire. however, this is not to say that the world is safe from further economic downturn
