Monday, December 1, 2014

The Impact of Zero Emissions Vehicles

Zero Emissions Vehicles (ZEV) are gaining popularity across the country, and quickly.  This will continue as the EPA introduces new regulations which will require car manufacturers to produce with lower emissions.  In 2016 the EPA will adopt the regulations of CARB (the California Air Resources Board).  In order to keep up with these new standards, car manufacturers will need to sell one ZEV for every six petrol of diesel vehicles, or pay a large fine.

This article in the economist asks the question of whether or not zero emissions vehicles are actually better for the environment, based on energy used to produce batteries and charge the vehicles.  The answer comes down to location in many cases.  For citizens of states which have large amounts of access to alternative fuel sources, ZEVs are successful in reducing emissions.  For those on the East Coast and Midwest where coal is still the primary source of fuel, there may be less of a helpful impact on the environment.

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