Sunday, November 30, 2014

Shopping on a Phone Is Still Uncommon but Growing Fast

With technology advancing so fast and so often, shopping has changed and advanced with it. Now people are able to access so many deals, such as Black Friday deals, right from the comfort of their bed or couch, or even dinner table. Mobile shopping seems to be the way of the future, mainly for the convince of the whole process. From an economic standpoint, this many not be bad for store owners, who would no longer have to pay their employees overtime for working during Black Friday, as well as eliminating the daily operation costs of running the store during these shopping surge days. Owners can completely shut down operations and give themselves, and their employees, real holidays, while losing only a few, if any sales. On the other hand, for those employees who depend on that over time paycheck from working these times, this could be detrimental to their incomes.

I personally think this is the way of the future, and it wouldn't be bad for family relations either. Now instead of people camping outside of stores, sometimes days in advance (pretty ridiculous) they can be at home, visiting, cheering on their favorite football team, doing the dishes, watching the Thanksgiving day parades, and doing so many other memory making activities. Then when the times comes to score some of the best deals, you can walk out of the room for 5 minutes and purchase with your mobile device.



  1. I do not believe that mobile shopping will be enough to slow down the ridiculousness of Black Friday. Many people love the atmosphere of Black Friday, and view it as entertainment. They would also rather have their purchases in hand, instead of having to pay for shipping and wait to receive what they purchased. There are also a variety of products, such as clothes, that people will want to try on in person. I believe that mobile shopping can eventually decrease the amount of Black Friday shoppers, but not to the point where stores aren’t calling in their workers to accommodate the amount of shopping.

  2. I think that online shopping has hurt and helped stores. Packed black fridays cost a lot for the store with overtime pay and the hassle of the crowd. Online shopping can allow them to generate more sales through the in-store and online purchases. It will also cost them from opportunity buys from being in the store.

  3. I think online shopping is a positive advancement for businesses as it only gets them more exposure to a wider audience rather than relying on popularity spreading by word of mouth or coincidental finding of the brick and mortar store. Mobile shopping just ups the convenience of shopping and people can buy the things they want faster than they would if they had to go to the store. Like Kevin said above, I don't think the advent of mobile shopping will stop people from preferring to have their products in hand or to try them on. In then end, I think by making mobile shopping available to customers, will only help businesses and will increase the possibilities of products being bought, increasing spending and money velocity and helping the economy.

  4. Integration of the online is very significant in today's markets. Online shopping reduces consumer turnout in stores,however; it does give them the convenience to buy what they please in a quicker manner. I do agree with the notion that mobile or online shopping would completely replace the in store experience that consumers get when they judge products first hand.

  5. I only participate in cyber monday and refuse to be involved in Black Friday because it's a lot of stress and crazy. Cyber Monday is the future but the article is insisting that all stores should be closed so why even have stores anymore? Why not just have the stores just all go online? Well for one that will decrease employment and you would have to make sure its the correct product because you can not personally touch it or try it on. I feel Black Friday and cyber monday should be left alone as is because I don't see a huge problem evolving yet.
