Monday, December 1, 2014

Lying, cheating bankers

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This articles discusses about how banker's work make them become less honest. 128 bankers were split into two groups in an experiment published by Nature. The control group was asked non-work related questions such as how many hours of television they watched each week. The treatment group was asked questions about their work. Then each banker was asked to toss a coin 10 times in private, and they could win $20 if it was the right side. The result showed that the control group was more honest than the treatment group. Nearly a tenth of the treatment group claimed the full $200. The authors also tried that trick on non-bankers, result said that there was no effect.

In ever society, there are always people who believe that cheating is a "clever" way to make money, especially when their actions have so few consequences. These bankers tend to have very short-term of the economy and try to find immediate opportunities to make money. They ignore the importance of being honest and building up reputation in the society. Our society should make it clear that cheating has consequences no matter who you are, otherwise some people who think they are above the law would never stop cheating and bringing harm to the society.

1 comment:

  1. Earning expectations, increased competition in the sector and high performance targets has fueled this trend over the years. Its the culture of organizations and not individuals that is at fault.
