Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Shopping on a Phone Is Still Uncommon but Growing Fast

          The sales this Black Friday were phenomenal, however the new trend this year was that most of the shopping was done online and thus the new culture of Cyber Monday and so people have decided to shop online now on everyone's cell-phones. E-commerce accounts for only 6 percent of total retail spending. Sales made on computers are growing at a faster rate than sales in offline stores — and sales on mobile phones are growing faster and faster too.
          Mobile commerce is now a new business and in my opinion is becoming more popular as it is more convenient. “Convenience is what sells here,” said Norman Sadeh, a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University and director of its mobile commerce lab.
           Last year, 21 % of e-commerce sales on Black Friday were on phones, compared with 17 percent on Cyber Monday.



  1. More and more business has been done through e-commerce and will most likely increase next year as well. Nowadays, a vast majority of consumers have smart phones and the ability to purchase items online. Some people prefer to shop in stores because they can talk to the workers and carry the item home right away. However, stores do not always the exact inventory consumers are looking for. Downsides to e-commerce include potentially having accounts hacked and confusions or damages due to shipping.

  2. Many people prefer using mobile apps over websites when browsing online. Because of this, I think having an app can be a major advantage to successful mobile commerce strategy. For example, I have the Starbucks app downloaded on my phone. The app provides personalized offers and incentives to stop by their stores. I think this really increases customer engagement and loyalty, while establishing a relationship with the brand.
