Sunday, November 30, 2014

There's still a pay disparity between men and women. But millennials are closing the gap.

This article discusses the wage gap between genders and the changes that are occurring because of newer generations. The author claims that in America’s youngest workers, the wage gap between men and women is the lowest it’s ever been. This provides hope for coming generations, as early starting salaries set the pace of earnings for a person’s entire career. However, even for the millennials, things aren’t completely looking up. “The higher up the career-ladder women go to reach manager and executive levels, the more the gender gap grows.” The difference in overall median pay between men and women millennial workers is 2.2% ($51,000 vs $49,000). Still, the change is promising for future generations.


  1. That is great to see the wage gap shrinking. Hopefully this trend can continue till everyone is paid the same for equal work. While there is still a gap, I am hopeful for the future that it will continue to decrease because this is a hot topic in politics. It will be interesting to see if any policy is created to help make the gap even smaller.

  2. Seeing this gap shrinking is great news. Men and women should be treated equally in the work force and its promising that we are moving closer and closer to equality. Just like Christopher said, I am very interested to see if a policy is created to facilitate this equality.

  3. Its good to see this step towards gender equality. Although it is common for gender inequality and difference of gender in the workplace, this policy seems like it will last and gender inequality will eventually be eradicated.

  4. It will be interesting to see if a policy is put into place to erase this gender gap quicker, but even if one isn't put into place I think the gap will be gone in the near future.

  5. I'm hopeful but not holding my breath for a quick end to the pay gap. It's been in place for so many years and to expect it to disappear in the near future is a little unrealistic, considering some people still don't believe it exists. I think part of the solution is recognizing women in more roles of power, and allowing women the same availability to jobs in the workforce as men have.

  6. It is great to see the wage gap shrinking, being at an all time low, however; like mentioned in the article, as women climb the ranks of working positions, the wage gap then tends to increase. Executive level positions still pose an issue for wage equality, therefore I feel that for this to go away, it's going to take many years of closing the gap from the bottom up.

  7. It is very exciting to know that gender inequality had been improved at work places. But personally,I think for a lot of wage gaps between men and women are due to the fact that women work less than men since they have to take time off to take care of their children and the households.
