Monday, December 1, 2014

Finally, Girl Scout Cookie Sales Go Online

Finally entering the 21st century, Girl Scout cookies will now be sold online for the first time ever. The 112-year-old organization had, for quite some time, resisted in doing so, preferring their girls to engage in door-to-door sales. They argued that this was more in line with their mission as it provided a learning experience for scouts. The Girl Scout organization, however, has taken a turn to this thinking; they soon recognized that the Internet can also teach the girls invaluable skills. They believe the online retailing will teach the girls various technological, as well as interpersonal skills. Online sales are expected to begin December 12th and will be in conjunction with traditional, door-to-door sales.  
I think this is a very smart move for the Girl Scout organization; simply stated, the Internet was made for business. Taking a business online allows for 24-hour access for customers anywhere in the world. With a traditional, brick and mortar company, you are limited to the number of customers who can visit your store at any given time. Online stores, by contrast, allow for thousands, maybe even tens of thousands of individuals, to visit the site at once. Ultimately, I think the Girl Scout organization will profit tremendously from their decision to sell cookies online.  

1 comment:

  1. Since it is more common and convenient nowadays to shop online, in my opinion the sales of Girl Scout Organizations will boom due to this increase in convenience.
