Friday, October 24, 2014

Venezuela’s Maduro Says Default Fears are the Work of Foreign Media

            With Venezuela’s economic as well as overall fate looking worse and worse everyday, President Nicolás Maduro has stated that foreign media have started a “campaign to destroy Venezuela”. The statement comes after the news agency Reuters as well as others reported on Venezuela’s growing probability of defaulting on its external debts.  Maduro seems to think that news agencies from external countries are only looking at the bad in Venezuela and causing people to become alarmed over the current situation. This is hard to believe when numerous economic experts have written about and predicted this fall of the economy in Venezuela. 
            Maduro’s approval ratings fell to 30.2 in September while 81.6% of Venezuelan’s viewed the economic situation negatively. Overall, the fact that Maduro is battling and lashing out at the foreign media rather than dealing with the situation at hand is cause for further alarm. Falling oil prices and the country getting closer and closer to defaulting on their loans makes for an even scarier situation in Venezuela.



  1. With oil prices going lowered, this really effects the already struggling Venezuela economy. For Madruo to try and blame others for mistakes made on his part it just absurb, this is shown with his rating falling. He is in a tough position right now, but blaming others is not the way of getting out of it.

  2. One major problem is the rapidly rising inflation rate in Venezuela that is over 60 percent. Another cause for concern is the outstanding foreign debt Venezuela owes to 20 countries. The fact Maduro is not addressing these problems shows how out of touch he is with reality. If his best defense to handle this situation is blaming foreign media, Venezuela is not going to have a bright future. Mauro needs to make some serious changes if he wants to save Venezuela.
