Sunday, October 19, 2014

Cynthia Rowley: There's never been a better time to design

         This article discusses how technology has made it easier to enter into the world of fashion. Before the internet age, you had to have financial backers and enough money to create a startup. Then you had to open a store front and hope people walked in and bought your stuff. Now, however, it is much easier. As Cynthia Rowley put it, you can create something small and that's okay. There are online outlets that allow you to sell your product no matter the quantity. This allows for designers to try new things and experiment without the added stress of having to make a huge profit. And it makes it easier to abandon an idea or move on to something bigger and better. Overall, the online shopping craze has allowed many aspiring designers into the fashion world.


  1. This is very true. I have friends who are small designers but are able to sell several of their items by having an online website to purchase their product. Simply posting the link to their website on social networks such as twitter, Facebook, and instagram gets several people to view and purchase their stuff. The fashion industry is just one of the many industries that the internet or technology has improved. This is an improvement that us shoppers enjoy.

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  3. Online shopping is beneficial for both designers and consumers. It allows designers to increase profits by allowing consumers to make purchases without even having to leave their homes. It also allows more designers to enter the fashion industry since they don't necessarily have to open an actual store. I think online shopping is definitely a great innovation.

  4. I think the advent of online shopping and this new expansion of who is able to enter the fashion industry has very much helped the industry and promises good things to come. With more people being able to create clothing and get noticed, the market becomes more competitive to come up with the next big thing. As long as many people have access to the fashion industry, this should just keep going, spurring progress and innovation. Also, with internet shopping, more and more people have access to buying items they normally would not and they can compare different stores easier, further encouraging competition and increasing the amount of clothing that is bought. Because of the doors the internet opens up in the fashion industry, production and consumption have increased and should increase in the future, helping the companies, consumers, and the industry itself.

  5. With the process made easier, not having to get financial backers and enough money to creat a start up. All you have to do is have a product and post it to the internet. The market benefits from this because there are more products out there, so people have a wider range of things they can buy based on personal preference.

  6. Websites like ebay and etsy have definitely lowered the barriers to entry for the fashion world. Now, anyone can create a product and easily market it in their online store in these such websites. They can gain a following, produce more, and grow and grow. No longer do fashion designers need large investments to market their brands or a decent amount of starting cash to open up a store. Anyone can go to one of these websites and sell their product easily and effectively.

  7. This is a great example of how technology not only fuels creativity, but industry as well. By having a great idea anyone can get it out there through the internet and with enough popularity can make it a new trend. This helps the fashion industry as a whole because it allows new designers to be more creative and makes big brands compete with them. The consumer wins in this situation because they will get great clothing in a competitive market. Plus new designers can keep trying to get more and more creative.
