Friday, October 24, 2014

Biotech Firm Adaptimmune Attracts $104 Million Investment

A New Enterprise firm is currently investing in a biotechnology company that is developing a treatment for cancer.  The 104 million dollar investment went towards Adaptimmune, they are making it easier to recognize cancers.  In June, Adapimmune began a partnership with GlaxoSmithKline to develop cancer treatment.  The money will allow clinical programs for the next several years.  Many other firms and investors in with Adaptimmune to cure cancers. On top of that two executive of New Enterprise Associates: David Mott and Ali Behbahani are joining the board of Adaptimmune.


  1. The U.S. as a whole is definitely making leaps and bounds towards cancer research. It's investments like these that are helping biotech firms and drug firms move towards a cure. Currently, both Gilead Sciences and Pharmacyclics are working towards cancer treatments along with many other firms. The only problem with these treatments is that they can cost upwards of $60,000 a year because R&D costs are so high.

  2. I think cancer research and development can help generate a lot of revenue and help people with treatments. There are many other companies who have been making strides in the cancer research area, which is always a good sign. I will be excited to see where all of the research and development takes the Untied States.

  3. I think cancer research in treatment is good for the companies and for the consumers. It is a good market for investment because it is something that consumers need. There will always be demand for cancer cures which is good for investors and medical companies, and consumers benefit by being cancer free.
