Friday, October 24, 2014

Amazon to Hire 80,000 Workers for the Holiday Season

Amazon has announced they plan on hiring 80,000 seasonal employees this year.  These workers will be placed in the network of fulfillment and sorting centers, where the locating, sorting, and shipping of the orders occurs.  The employees will be paid between $10-$11.50/hr and many will find themselves with permanent jobs after the season, as Amazon plans to hire back “thousands.”

I think this is a commendable move on the part of Amazon.  Although most of the employees will be working temporarily, it will provide many people with a source of income for the time being.  They will also be making a decent amount of money, as the wages are set a few dollars above minimum wage.  I realize Amazon needs extra help anyway for the increased holiday sales, but the amount of people they are hiring has significantly increased.  They hired 70,000 people last year and 50,000 people two years ago.  Hopefully they stick to their word and actually hire back thousands of these employees to permanent jobs as well.


  1. This is an interesting article. I sincerely hope that Amazon does choose to hire back as many as they say they will. It would be great to see the job market increase even after the holiday season. My fear is that wages would be cut when the holidays are over, and people would be left in an unstable financial situation. Hopefully this won't be the case, and the pay rate will remain the same as during the holiday season.

  2. This is an interesting article. I sincerely hope that Amazon does choose to hire back as many as they say they will. It would be great to see the job market increase even after the holiday season. My fear is that wages would be cut when the holidays are over, and people would be left in an unstable financial situation. Hopefully this won't be the case, and the pay rate will remain the same as during the holiday season.

  3. This article has to focus much more on the effect of hiring more workers. It'll be interesting to see how many of these workers are actually kept after the season. If all the new employees are kept on, it'll be interesting to see which direction Amazon chooses to go.

  4. I believe that Amazon wont continue to employ most of these workers after the holiday season. This is because they have missed their quarter three earnings and thus they are taking a hit as a company. Just today their stock price declines 8.5% or 26$. Amazon doesn't really have the wiggle room to be employing so many workers. However, this seasonal employment is overall good for families, because the winter months are the hardest months.

  5. With the christmas season approaching, it is smart of Amazon to be hiring workers. Work load will increase and for them to keep up, more employees are a must. It will be interesting to see if they actually hire "thousands" for permanint positions. This also offers Amazon to be able to pick the best of the best of seasonal workers to keep on full time.

  6. While the sentiment is good, there's no way Amazon can afford to hire back "thousands of these employees to permanent jobs as well." People just do not purchase as much during the offseason (i.e., non-holiday). At the same time, it could be a perfect way for even those who normally only work part-time jobs to make a bit of extra money for the gift-giving seasonal costs. Self-contained economic boost!
