Sunday, October 19, 2014

CITI: These 6 Huge Trends Are Completely Reshaping The World Economy

A team of Citi Research analysts and Oxford University contributors teamed up to analyze the impact of six global mega-trends in a new 92-page report to clients.

Here are 6 key points from the report:

  1. The world is getting more integrated, which has lead to increase in trade
  2. The global population is getting older so countries will need to address healthcare costs
  3. Nano-technology, genetic advances and 3D Printing are revolutionizing manufacturing
  4. Emerging technologies will drive economic growth making China and India's middle class the biggest consumers
  5. National Disasters will have a much larger impact on the global economy than before
  6. Global governance systems will fail to solve international problems

To read more visit Business Insider:

1 comment:

  1. Interesting to note that global governance systems won't work. They start off claiming that the world is becoming more integrated but then go on to say that the world will not be able to come together to solve problems. I think although not immediately, eventually a global governance systems will be able to solve international problems.
