Thursday, October 23, 2014

After six months of recall costs, GM making money again

Over the past six months General Motors has been hit with wave after wave of recalls, severely damaging their reputation and, according to the article, nearly eliminating their bottom line. However, in the aftermath of this, GM is finally back to making a profit, taking some gains from the $1.4 billion dollar revenue earned in the third quarter, some of which came from an increase in global sales.

The most interesting thing about this article, in my opinion, is that global sales for the car manufacturer have been increasing. This could possibly be an indication of a resurgence of American automotive presence in the global market. This would be a great thing for the automotive industry, helping to finally close the wounds caused by the 2008 financial crisis.


  1. A increase in global sales for the automobile industry is a very good sign. As far as the recalls from GM, that is on them. If you can't build a solid product, your reputation should be hurt. Don't make customers waste their money on a product that your not even sure if it wil work. Allow producers who can sell a solid prodcut make the profit to improve their products.

  2. Overall, the increase in global auto sales is a good sign for the economy. I am hopeful that there are environmental checks being added though, as the influx of carbon emissions from both car manufacturing and driving automobiles can be detrimental to the environment. I wonder if GM increasing the number of alternative fuel/hybrid/flux vehicles would have an even greater impact on their sales worldwide, especially in more environmentally conscious countries such as Norway or Switzerland.

  3. I agree with Ben, an increase in global sales for the automotive industry is great, but GM needs to clean up its act. I believe they've had something like 75+ recalls this year, and that is just unacceptable. A company that is continually unable to make a safe product, especially one that if not working properly can hurt others alone with those in the car, is a huge problem. GM needs to focus more on testing their vehicles and tighten their regulations on what leaves their factories.

  4. I agree with the other comments stating the disturbance to still be seeing additional recalls this year. An increase in global auto sales trends for a more promising economic future. With GM turning the tables by now profiting proves all the more importance to buckle down as a manufacturer through confirming these issues aren't likely to rise again.

  5. This is a good thing, but all in all the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" mentality of the American automotive industry is a bit absurd (as our us, as Americans, for purchasing some of these vehicles). Overall, most American cars are less efficient (mpg), have lower environmental standards, and are less safe than most of the competition; eventually, this will likely bite them in the rear a bit harder.
