Wednesday, April 3, 2013

American Superconductors Corp. on the Rise

I was told about this firm a few weeks ago to keep a watch on. For those of whom who pay no attention to penny stocks, look away. Everyone else get ready...

So, two or three years ago American Superconductor Corp. (AMSC) was at a peak in stock price performance and had captured 80% of market share; unstoppable. Then all of a suden the share price dropped and market share was taken by a customer, Sinovel, based out of China. There have since been lawsuits filed but no cases have been seen in Chinese courts.

Seeing the stage set like this, I think AMSC is something to watch in the news and on the ticker. There have been some investors putting big stakes on a big win for AMSC, with even a few price targets set at $38 and above for after trial.

Oh and by the way, their earnings looked pretty good otherwise.

If you had the money, if you shook out your piggy bank you probably will, would you make the investment?

Case Details:

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