Tuesday, March 26, 2013

When Cars Become Extinct

This article is a fascinating read because it talks about how the "automobile era" is coming to an end. Cohen and Badger examine our shift in modes of travel over-time, and how they were prompted by socio-economic conditions; they say that there is always a gradual shift towards something new, as exhibited by our shift from horses to cars, but we don't know when the change is occurring. They say that the end is already happening because of the rising gas prices, environment protection groups etc. 

I found it interesting because it asks us to recalibrate how we think about technology over time. Although I don't agree with this, they say that the US has lost its ability to imagine its future: 

"...that in the U.S., we’ve lost our 'cultural capacity to envision alternative futures,' to envision the Futurama of the next century. More often, when we do picture the future, it looks either like a reproduced version of the present or like some apocalyptic landscape. "

I found it an interesting read and thought I'd share. 


  1. I believe that our next shift will be to smart cars such as hybrids and ethanol fueled cars. We have already seen success in that direction, and as gas prices continue rising there will be more of a push to take more steps in that new direction.

  2. The article does propose an interesting idea. The transition away from gas-fueled cars is inevitable--we all know that--but it seems to be something we often choose not to think about. I agree that smart cars are probably the next option, but what about after that? Changes in technology will vastly change the economy, as we've learned, and it's exciting to speculate what the future has to offer.

  3. I had never really thought about cars becoming extinct, but after pondering the environmentally friendly ideas and actions people have taken as well as an increase in population and increase in public transportation, I guess it is a possibility. As of now, I don't see it happening anytime soon, but maybe in the future there are more accessible cars that run on wind energy. Environmentally, it would make sense to cut back on cars or produce eco-friendlier cars, and less of them.
