Saturday, March 30, 2013

Apple in China

Despite its sucess in China, Apple has been received some lashes from Chinese media recently. Reason for the repeated attacks against the American giant seemed to be questionable, and various theories are flying around but nothing has been clear at this point. One common theory seems to be that the attack is from some rivaling firms that would thrive in Apple's hardship. Another theory suggests that Apple was simply a whipping bag for the officials of Beijing in retaliation to the recent attacks toward Chinese firms from foreign power. Alternatively, this might be a test of different approach toward foreign firms by China bureaucracy. The truth might only be known within the official cycle, but whatever the explanation seems to be, this recent attack on Apple might prove to be unfavorable toward the whole android market as a whole in the long run because China is currently Apple's second largest market.

1 comment:

  1. With China being such a large market for Apple I believe it is crucial for Apple to maintain its strong client base despite opposition from the countries citizens. I feel like China might be feeling a sense of ownership and despise the fact that a foreign firm is finding such success in their country. I'm sure Apple is taking clientele from domestic companies in China which could hurt Chinas domestic economy.
