Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Avoiding Amazon Meat

This article basically is about how different representative groups in Brazil and how they've decided not to continue the sales of cattle meat that have been raised in the rainforest. In theory, I do think it is a good move. I eat meat, but we all have a responsibility to ensure we eat food from sustainable and well treated sources - be it meat or non-meat - and to pay a fair price for it. That said - is deforestation really just Brazil's problem? I suspect many many nations have contributed to this issue, and so it shouldn't be just Brazilians who pay the price. It's also imperative to consider the fact that the Amazon Soil becomes infertile in a short period of time. So the farmers choice comes to spend money enriching existing fields - or make another field for another short term gain. The rainforest is not retaking the infertile areas - so Brazil may see a major climate change unless they put a lot of money into rebuilding what was lost.


  1. I think that it is a good move to put an end to the sale of cattle meat that was raised on illegally acquired land. Selling that meat may provide benefit for those involved in it, but for the general public, I feel that it is very harmful. Continuing to destroy the forest could eventually lead to severe environmental problems which I believe would outweigh the benefit of farming the cattle.

  2. Ending the selling of cattle meat from illegal areas of the rainforest was definitely a necessary decision. Deforestation is a problem in many areas of the world and it is going to take laws like this to actually stop the problem. The consumption of meat in the world is also at extremely high levels so this might help with the overconsumption and mistreatment of cattle as well.
