Saturday, March 30, 2013

More Americans Work in the Underground Economy

            4.8 Million Americans have been out of work for more than 27 weeks. This is nearly 40% of the total number of Americans that are currently unemployed. Many of these people have turned to the underground economy to find way to bring in any income. The underground economy includes things such as drug trafficking, and prostitution, but also includes things that are not seen as “wrong” such as babysitting, selling material property, or mowing lawns for money. Most Americans enter the underground economy doing tasks of the latter sorts.
            Economists are now estimating that 18-19 percent of national income is not reported, and therefor would be considered in the underground economy. This would total to about $2 trillion in unreported income. If this income was reported economists estimate that it would generate around $500 billion in tax revenue.
            If the underground economy is becoming this large, we would see and increase in cash liquidity as more money in cash dollars would be needed to obtain these services. As expected, the Fed has reported such a growth. Today $1.18 trillion bills are out on the street, greatly increased from the $803 billion in 2007. All indications say that the underground economy is growing. The question that needs to be asked is how we can move this underground revenue to the surface to help our real economy.


  1. With people resorting to anything necessary to try and support their families they have to make sure that they get money any ways they can, this means people need to start hiring to allow for more tax revenues.

  2. This is one of the main problems for the Pakistani economy that I have noticed living there. A huge amount of the transactions that take place are a part of the underground economy and tax collection is full of corruption which greatly impairs economic progress. There was an article that estimated over 60% of the transactions in Pakistan are in the underground economy which is a staggering number. I definitely agree with you that policy makers need to adress how the US underground revenue can be moved to the surface.
