Saturday, March 30, 2013

Nike shares jump as earnings beat forecasts

Nike is one of the biggest shoe and clothing companies in the world, if not the biggest in today's shoe and clothing markets.  Due to the recent economic improvements Nike's shares have been climbing higher every day.  Profits of the company have surpassed the expected forecasts from the analysts.  The cost of the material has gone down to produce the products which helped Nike's sales to increase as well as the United States recovery from the recession has helped contribute to this success.  Nike recorded a nine percent increase in revenue which amounts to $6.2 billion.  If Nike wants to continue to be successful and to improve in the long run, they need to take advantage of the Chinese market as well as emerging markets around the world.


  1. I completely agree with this. Nike has been one of the world's leading Shoe and clothing companies, and recent economic advancement has push Nike to an even higher position. Also Nike should dig into the Chinese market because of the cheap labor.

  2. Economically speaking they should certainly outsource to china. However, this is more a problem of morality, not economics. It's a very difficult decision

  3. Nike's biggest reason for success is their ability to tap into new markets and dominate them. Their monopolized sponsorship of the NFL and their hugely successful marketing campaign with college sports has really helped make them the biggest household name in athletic wear.

  4. Nike has been in trouble before with the controversy over cheap labor abroad but it is without a doubt the leading sports brand in the world today and if it is able to minimize costs by getting cheaper labor from China under the ethical guidelines, it would see major progress.

  5. I believe that Nike should really take a look at trying to monopolize the soccer shoe industry with this upcoming World Cup and qualifying games in this next year
