Friday, March 29, 2013

Growth faster than expected in top economies.

The Organization for Economic cooperation and Development (OECD) has claimed that there has been stronger growth for Japan, the US and Germany in the first quarter of 2012. As the economic recovery continues, there still is worry about the Eurozone coming out of recession. OECD estimated an average annual growth of 2.4% for the 7 largest economies in the world which is a better figure as opposed to the last quarter of 2012's 0.5% growth. 

Europe however shows contrasting levels of progress, where Germany seems to be growing really well and France and Italy are having trouble come out of the recession, especially Italy.

The growth figures are good however according to the OECD the road to recovery is far from over and economies shouldn't contemplate ending expansionary policies that cause growth. 


  1. It sounds great that the world's top economies are growing more rapidly than they predicted. With a lot of places just recently getting out of the effects of the recession, it is important to make sure that there is significant growth. Even though the Eurozone is still facing many economic problems, hopefully they will follow the lead of the top economies and begin growing.

  2. It is nice to see that the large economies around the world are growing. Economic growth in these countries can help smaller countries get out of a recession as well. It will be interesting to see what happens over the next year. Hopefully the economies can continue to show signs of improvement.

  3. It's great that these GDPs are growing. These countries can then invest in other economies to help them grow as well. On top of that, this keeps spirits up about the economy which will encourage people to take this course of action, or at least take a more vigorous approach than they would otherwise.
