Sunday, February 10, 2013

Obama to Focus on Economy in State of the Union Address

The article is a rather simple one, but I found it interesting nonetheless. Barack Obama announced today that the focus of his State of the Union Address will be the economy and NOT foreign policy as many had speculated. With recent talks about Afghanistan and amid criticism of US drone use, it looked like Obama might focus on foreign policy, but that won't be the case. In Obama's last four Congressional addresses, he's spent more than triple the time discussing the economy as he has foreign policy.

My goal here is not to start a political debate, but the article did make me wonder about government priorities. Obama is set to talk about job growth and the macro-economy--both very pressing issues (the economy ranks as #1 in the priorities of US citizens). The article made me look at the economy through a different lens. Undeniably, the state of the US economy is a very important issue, but is it being used here to dodge issues of US morality overseas?


  1. I am not trying to start a political debate either, but I do believe Obama's primary goal may be to please Americans, not necessarily do what is best for America. The state of the US economy has always been a very important issue, and always will be. In my opinion, Obama is set to address the economy because he wants to limit the amount of criticism he receives afterwards. If his focus is on foreign policy, justified or not, he will take too much heat from his own supporters for failing to address the current economical issues.

    At some point, however, he will need to further address foreign policies. Let's just hope it happens before it's too late.

  2. Well we all hope for Obama to stick to his words and put those words into action. The possibility is slim that foreign policy will be little concern compared to the economy but when they do put the time in for our economy hopefully they make decision that will positively affect everybody that is in need.
