Sunday, February 10, 2013

Algeria's Oil and Gas: Not so Jolly

    This article talks about how Algeria, one of the world's biggest oil producing regions, is not in the best shape concerning their position in the oil and gas market. Apparently it is being replaced as a main supplier of oil in North America by lesser quality and less expensive producers found in North Dakota - its markets are shrinking. It also has been too dependant on charging high prices. In natural gas, it is having a hard time as well. Local electricity needs in the country have been rising. This will be detrimental to exports as plans to build a new pipeline have been delayed.

     The author suggests the Algerian government can help, developing solar power as the solution for the higher demand for electricity and that some gas/oil reserves still have yet to even be found, the country having a good supply. However, Algeria is not rated well for its business friendliness.

Last month there was also a terrorist attack on one of their natural-gas complexes. This caused a multitude of problems, including raising business costs and a perhaps loss of companies. Even BP lost three of its employees to murder. As Algeria seems to be in a broken state, they are obviously going to need to take great strides and improvements to recover. Policy makers and the government have their work cut out for them.

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