Sunday, April 25, 2010

Immigration Law Boosts Arizona Governor

Jan Brewer, Governor of Arizona (R), has received criticism and has possibly threatened her political future after she implemented an increase in taxes. Without an increase in revenue, she said Arizona will have to make deeper cuts in education, health care and public safety. Brewer's decision to crack down on illegal immigration may have saved her political future.

Brewer stands to get a boost from her signing of an immigration enforcement bill. The law requires police to question people they suspect of being in the U.S. illegally. It allows police to arrest anyone they reasonably suspect of being in the country illegally. It also makes foreigners to carry documents that prove legal residency.

President Obama said the bill need to be examined for violations of civil rights. Rights groups, faith-based organizations and some law-enforcement officials warned the measure would promote racial profiling and harassment. Law scholars also said it conflicted with federal authority over border issues.

There has been public outrage about violence related to drug and human smuggling ever since the death of a rancher near the U.S.-Mexico border. Polls have shown that Arizona voters are largely in favor of the measure, which makes illegal immigration a state crime.


  1. The new bill in Arizona makes sense due to the increasing problem with illegal immigration in Arizona. Hopefully the bill will allow authorities to control illegal immigration and minimize it.

  2. The point of this article is not that they’ve solved this problem. The governor raised taxes and then she signed this bill, but many are opposed to it. There are people and out of state politicians opposing it. In such a backward state like Arizona of course people will be swarming all over it and its potential violation of civil rights:

    “Rights groups, faith-based organizations and some law-enforcement officials warned the measure would promote racial profiling and harassment.”

    The most important thing is that the governor is doing this to get approval after raising taxes, rather than cutting spending.
