Monday, April 26, 2010

Companies in U.S. Plan to Increase Employment, Survey Shows

This article talks about how companies believe that the "Great Recession" has come to an end. In response to this belief, companies are going to start hiring again. With an increase in the amount of sales companies are able to increase payroll. Experts forecast that even though companies have the money to increase the amount of employees, employment wont start increasing for another six months. In addition this increase in employment, the economy is expected to grow faster then 3 percent. It seems all signs are pointing to an improvement in the U.S. economy, it will be interesting to see what will happen next.


  1. This is a good sign of economic recovery in the workplace. The graduating students this year will be at both a disadvantage and an advantage. The disadvantage being that companies will not be hiring for another 6 months. It is also an advantage to have time to get resumes ready and interviews lined up. Hopefully the decrease in unemployment will increase production and GDP to continue economic stability.

  2. I do agree that this is a good sign of economic recovery, from the "Great Recession." However, I think it will be a long time before we are truly recovered. I also think that there are more variables in play then just unemployment. I think decreasing unemployment is a start, but we need to increase consumer confidence. People need to start buying more. Why would companies hire more workers if no one is buying there products?

  3. With GDP expected to increase then prices will most likely increase meaning that inflation will happen. As long as there is inflation then the real wage will decrease and companies will have even more money to create more jobs.

  4. The graduating seniors have something to look forward now. With the recession looking as if it is coming to an end. With jobs becoming more available many graduates will now have something to look forward too. Lets hope these job openings keep coming which will be delightful for economy.

  5. It is particularly good timing that the economy slowly starts to increase employment again because the extension on unemployment benefits will run out in June. Employment will spur economic spending as a greater number of the population have disposable income to spend and expand the economy.
