Sunday, April 25, 2010

How long should we help the unemployed?

This article discusses the debate of extending unemployment benefits. Congress has already extended unemployment benefits to 99 weeks, but this is still not sufficient for hundreds of thousands of people who cannot find a job in this economy. There is no movement in Congress currently to extend more weeks. Some economists and lawmakers say that another extension would further delay these Amercans entry into the workforce. Yet advocates want unemployment benefits to be extended because it keeps people from defaulting on their mortgages and turning to public services.


  1. I generally struggle with the unemployment issues that people face everyday and this article runs right down my frustration with unemployment. I understand that it is not good for the economy when people do not pay for their mortgages but I all so do not believe it is right that taxpayers and business owners must pay their mortgages for them through unemployment benefits especially when in some cases not all there are jobs that exist but they are considered on the low-end of the spectrum. From my own life I have seen jobs from the food industry such as the Subway shop I currently work for up for months. The turnover at these fast food chains are remarkably high. So my question is their jobs out there just not the jobs anyone is looking for.

  2. I agree with John. In my labor class we discuss that the longer a person collects unemployment the less likely they are to search for a job. While the economy is slowly recovering I believe that once it reaches a certain point UI should be reduced in time.

  3. I agree with both of you, some abuse the power of unemployment, and it might actually deter people for searching for jobs.

  4. Yeah its crazy you would need 99 weeks of unemployment compensation. Its funny how solutions are thought up that in reality only make the problem worse.
