Monday, April 26, 2010

The ads, many of which blatantly advertise prostitution, are expected to bring $36 million this year, according to a new projection of Craigslist’s in

Craigslist (the web site)increased its revenue by 22% this year, largely from its controversial sex advertisements. That financial success is attracting criticism from law-enforcement officials who say the ads are still being used for illegal ends.

The ads are expected to bring $36 million this year, which is three times the revenue in last year’s projection.

Craigslist has been fighting a winning battle against the Law-enforcement officials who are trying to bring an end to the sex ads. Officials of orgnizations that oppose human trafficking say Craigslist remains the largest online hub for selling women against their will.


  1. This is an interesting topic. Craigslist is walking on a thin line with the law. At the same time Craigslist is making a great profit from the sex ads through advertising. This gets into the discussion of ethics and whether or not Craigslist is making ethical decisions.

  2. At first I thought this article was good news because I saw the $36 million and thought it was good that some company was making money. But after reading that, I am completely shocked that people would use a website for human trafficking. I'm not sure whether craigslist should be completely responsible for what its users post, but the situation is a bit unsettling regardless.

  3. I think this is an example of a lack of regulation on Craiglist's part because they do not perform proper checks on the ads. This is another example of the profit-seeking motive that drives most companies and although this has a much less impact on the economy, it is reflective of the behaviors that caused financial firms to fail because of greed.
