Sunday, September 24, 2017

Trump approves updated travel restrictions

President Trump on Sunday signed off on updated travel restrictions that limit people coming to the U.S from North Korea, Chad, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen. The new travel restrictions are set to take effect October 18th. Also Iraqi citizens will subject to additional scrutiny to determine if they pose risks to U.S. security. President Trump during his campaign stressed that he wanted to make America safer and as President he has followed through with this. This announcement comes the same day that Trump's temporary ban on visitors from six-Muslim majority nations. Acting Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke stated that these restrictions are to protect Americans and allow DHS to better keep terrorists and criminals from entering our country. I personally don't think its that big of a deal to have travel bans. Some people have family's in other countries that they would like to see but I think making sure America is safe should be a top priority. Trump based a big portion of his campaign on making America safe and is sticking to it. A industry that could be effected could be the airline industry. I doubt a lot of their business comes from people flying to these countries so they wont be hurt by these changes. In relation to GDP if the United States is actively avoiding travel they are most likely actively avoiding trading with these countries. This could effect net exports in some way. However if some of these countries have something we need there are plenty of substitutes and I believe they can fill these holes with other countries.



  2. How has President Trump made America safer? I would be curious to see this data, if it even exists. Safety is an issue that is multidimensional, it is unlikely one certain factor causes the level of safety to rise or fall and even more unlikely that this could be measured in the short time since the policies that Trump claims to "make America safer" have been passed. It seems to me that the effects of the legislature that he has passed are subjective. Despite the politics, I believe this is a bad move for the economy. American Airlines operates 3 daily flights to and from Venezuela from their hub in Miami. When this legislature takes effect, I assume they will have to cut those flights and lose all the revenue that they were previously making. But that is just one company, these bans will also hamper trade to and from Venezuela which will take a hit to our economy, and the many companies that export to Venezuela.
