Sunday, September 24, 2017

NBA Jersey Ads and the Benefits for Both Sides

NBA teams are finally starting to make deals with different companies around the world to put the company’s brand on their jerseys.  It seems that both sides of the deals are expecting a lot out of the branding on the jerseys.  For the company’s side of it, their brand will be seen my millions of people everyday to help spread the name and logo of their company to hopefully help them grow in revenue and use of their product.  For the NBA teams they are going to be making a lot of money from these company’s by just putting a little picture of a logo on their jerseys, so it’s a win win for both sides. 

About two weeks ago the biggest NBA ad deal had gone down between a Japanese company, Rakuten, and last years NBA finals Champions, the Golden State Warriors.   From what has been released, the Japanese company is paying the Warriors $60 Million for a three-year deal of having their logo on their jersey.  Not surprised by the price because the Warriors are the most watched team in the entire NBA and showed Rakuten that if they want to be on the jersey of the most watched team they had to be willing to pay the big bucks to be on the jersey. 

This is a great way for the NBA teams to make produce easy revenue by just adding a patch on the jersey.  I am surprised that this did not happen earlier.  I know some people may believe that this is showing that the NBA is all about money and not about the skills of the players, but realistically it is just a little patch to give the company exposure in the United States and gives the NBA teams a chance to profit the easiest way it knows how to.


  1. It is very surprising that this did not happen earlier. I think this is a win-win situation that should happen in all sports. In addition, I think the United States should learn from this and see if they can put American logos on international teams if they have not already done so. I think this could help a lot with exports and imports for different countries and especially give smaller international companies some recognition.

  2. over seas soccer clubs have been doing this for over 40 years, and the MLS since 2006. its a great way for easy profit and exposure for companys. I am very surprised the other major sports in the United States have taken this long to make the change.

  3. Generally people in the US like big, flashy things, but when it comes to jersey we are obsessed with it being "clean", which is huge reason culturally we have stayed away from advertising on jersey. That being said, I think this was inevitable with the rise of NBA salaries at the rate they have been going. It really opens up the NBA market all over again.
