Saturday, October 4, 2014

Latest GM recalls cover 57,000-plus vehicles

This was just a quick article about the latest GM recall.  GM announced today that it was recalling more than 57,000 vehicles in the U.S. due to problems ranging from wiring in the steering column to inadvertent shutdown of the engine.  GM announced this the day after they also announced the recall of 524,834 vehicles worldwide.  It seems as though every time we see GM in the news it has to do with another recall.  The article said this is the 74th recall of this year alone which has affected about 30 million vehicles.  On the brighter side in the latest recall GM announced it is not aware of any crashes injuries or fatalities compared to one of their more recent ones where the problems were linked to at least 23 deaths.  I think if they keep having to recall vehicles their public image is going to be seriously damaged if it hasn't been already.  I can't think of any other automobile companies who have had so many recalls in recent memory, let alone the last year.  If people start viewing GM as a sub par vehicle maker their market share would most likely be devastated.  This may affect jobs, GDP and GNP over time.  


  1. It is very interesting that although GM has had so many recalls, it does not seem to be on the mind of the average consumer since there has not been that much publicity on the fact. There is information for those who keep up with those sorts of things, but for the average person who only follows headlines, the GM recalls are unknown so it may not affect them all that much.

  2. In terms of being a power house for the American automobile industry, GM does hold the luxury of consumer demand on its side. However; to say that the recalls would not have any effect on future sales may not be the case, the main reason being that there is an internal lapse in the company that needs to be addressed before consumers start to loose brand faith. Which would eventually lead to as the article states an affect on jobs, the GDP and the GNP.

  3. I have to slightly disagree with Paul, when he said the average person doesn't really know about the recalls, the majority of people I know have all been talking about it, and since GM does have a strong foothold in the market and many people are owners of a GM vehicle, I feel like more and more people will quickly lose any interest they could have in purchasing a future GM vehicle because of how unreliable they are making themselves out to be with all the recalls. My question is why it has been necessary to make all of these recalls? There has to be some serious problems, internally that need to be addressed quickly, for there to be so many problems with past, and now current vehicles.

  4. It is unfortunate that a huge company like GM can't do something as simple as making their cars safe and functional, whether it is because of the monetary cost of safety or because they are ignorant of how to build safe cars. I don't know how they are doing after being bailed out but hopefully they either fix this problem or are forced out of the business by consumers refusing to buy low quality vehicles. With other companies constantly working on building safer and cleaner cars, GM seems to be falling behind the rest of the pack. At the very least, the other companies are just better in the PR section when handling their recalls because nobody notices other recalls, just GM. General Motors is a huge player in the American auto industry and it would be a shame to see so many jobs go away if they were to shut down sometime in the future but such is the way of a competitive environment.

  5. With all these callbacks, I haven't seen as much media present compared to what this article expresses. GM should experience a major hit due to these ongoing reports over the last year has they don't seem to be the most reliable producer in the industry. I believe GM will have to reevaluate their production process and somehow ensure safety through various marketing techniques to make the public aware of some sort of fixation on this issue. People don't want to put their lives in danger by buying a vehicle produced by GM therefore they will shop elsewhere.

  6. It's crazy to see a major automoblie distributor like GM have these issues, having to recall 57,000 veichles due to simple issues like wiring and random engine shutdowns is absurd. I do agree that I do not see this headline in major news sources, the average news reader may never even know about this recall. The word should be spread about the major issues GM has making their cars, with the word spread, GM becomes a average car company, demand will go down and GM will have to face the fact they need to improve the way they make cars.

  7. I had no clue that GM has had 74 recalls this year. This seems like a very high amount of recalls which is definitely not good for their image, especially since getting bailed out in 2008. This is also terrible for their profits as well and I wouldn't be surprised if GM begins to have serious trouble manufacturing in the future. Clearly GM is not properly inspecting their vehicles before selling them or doesn't have strict enough safety regulations implemented. GM really needs to improve and fix their internal problems soon otherwise they are going to be in serious trouble.
