Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Economists say yes to Uber

                                                   Uber improves life, Economists agree

40 Economists from different realms of study from schools of Political Persuasions to schools of thought came and took a survey of whether Uber was beneficial to consumers by competing with taxis and limousine services. All the economists in the study said they either strongly agree or agree, no uncertain or disagreeing because they know that competition generates welfare leading to innovation and choices that the consumers have if they do not have a ride or a bus pass. Uber creates this new outlook on driving and meeting new people where these drivers are rated and have comments and different personality traits that you can pick who you want to come pick you up in that certain area. Taxis and limos are complaining because Uber and Lyft have done so well where everyday people can make a little extra cash on their extra time or make it a full time job and drive around meeting new people everyday. The taxis companies want this banned because the idea is genius and they are losing a lot of business to the innovation of these new companies.


  1. I think Uber is a great alternative to taxis and other public transportation. I understand that taxi services are upset about the competition presented by the new companies. However, instead of complaining about it, they should be finding ways to develop and improve their own services in order to compete with these new innovations. If they can't do this, they'll just continue losing business to services such as Uber and Lyft.

  2. Uber is a genius idea. I think the biggest problem people had with taxis is that they can be inconsistent, and you have to plan ahead to book one. For the most part, using Uber eliminates both of those. Taxi companies should be working hard to create something like Uber for their services, or think of something even better now that they have competition.

  3. I feel like the transportation industry has probably been rather stagnant for a while now and the emergence of Uber as a legitimate threat will jump start the industry. Most taxi companies probably haven't had to change much for years and I can't imagine many new taxi companies popping up in cities often so the established businesses don't have much competition. Uber now forces the taxis to compete which can be very good for the business. The convenience of Uber could also increase the spending of everyday people as well as the number of transactions because of how easy it is to use Uber anywhere, even away from big cities. Taxi companies will have to not only compete price-wise but also with the way they do business in general so this new competition could even encourage technological advancements in the transportation industry. I think Uber seems like a great idea for consumers and an even better idea for the economy.

  4. I agree that the additions of Uber and Lyft to the transportation industry will create more general welfare and additional innovation. It seems that taxi services and bus transportation has not changed a whole lot in the last century. This day in age innovation is key as well as new technology. If consumers can use a very accessible app that leads to cheaper transportation than that is good for the general welfare of people. Also, it adds an addition element which allows the consumer and the Uber drivers to connect because they are people from relatively the same area. If taxi drivers are upset, why don't they become Uber drivers?

  5. The only people that don't like Uber are Taxi drivers and their unions. Uber created a better product than what current Taxi cab companies currently have and at a cheeper price. Politicians have been forced to oppose this because Taxi companies have a lot of pull apparently. In my home city of Chicago, the city was about to ban Uber than thousands of people sent letters, calls, and petitioned to keep Uber around. The politicians finally realized that Uber benefits the consumer and taxi companies have to try and compete or leave the industry. Uber is the perfect example of innovation and how to gain market share in a competitive market.

  6. The genius idea of Uber is one that will stick in today's day in age. There's no question that existent public transportation employees are unhappy due to Uber as it is taking away an enormous amount of business. As the poster addressed, we the people love and strive for innovation. Why would people ride in a dirty taxi or bus when they can ride in a clean and reliable car that ultimately costs less. People of business seem to like Uber because they can even pay for a ride in a higher luxury vehicle. The options come with low prices compared to public transportation therefore Uber is here to stay to improve the general welfare of people.

  7. I agree that Uber is a great idea and a I think that it will fit in well in todays society. Although this is helpful for the public, other transportation companies are taking a hit. The idea of getting a ride in a clean car rather than a smelly taxi cab is very inviting and I think people are going to continue to take advantage of it.

  8. I think Uber and Lyft are an innovative and effective idea for public transportation. One thing I found interesting is that these companies can change their fares according to demand. Being able to instantaniously change your fares based on demand allows for the market supply and demand to come to an equilibrium, something normal cab companies can't do.

  9. I can understand why companies want to see Uber and Lfyt o be terminated. They are taking away the competition of these taxi and limousine services, but they are a great benefit to the consumer. Consumers being able to make a little extra money is a great benefit. The idea of Uber and Lfyt are great ideas, and I do not see them going out of business anytime soon.
