Saturday, October 4, 2014

Jobs data may hurt democrats

While the job report was positive and showed an increase in job creation and a decrease in the unemployment rate, the report fails to convey the democratic party's message of "helping the little guy" rather than the "one percenters." The report showed the largest portion of jobs created coming in the professional field, rather than the manufacturing or low income professions. This growth could hurt the democrats in the upcoming elections as the areas of employment they have been adamant about improving have yet to rebound at the rate of others. This could be due to the America's distancing from manufacturing to a service and technology based economy.


  1. I'm sure this is going to be a point that Republicans repeatedly use in their campaigns in the upcoming election season, however I don't feel as if it is going to be as big a factor as people believe. There are many other hot topics that Republicans should lean towards rather than trying to harp on a semi-successful job market recovery.

  2. I feel like the Democrats shouldn't be so surprised that things played out this way, when it has been known for years that the American economy has been moving away from manufacturing. This has been proven over and over with pretty much any good that is now purchased, they say made in China, made in Korea, made in Taiwan, made in Africa, made in Singapore, and so on. I don't think it will be that huge of a deal come elections either, but it should tell the American people a thing or two about how well the Democratic Party pays attention to economic details.

  3. I don't think this will hurt democrats too much. While they didn't really help their "base", unemployment did go down and that is good for both parties and the public. Hopefully both sides finally realize they need to work together if they want to help the economy and the country.

  4. This is a interesting point, this will definitely be a point republicans will try and use against the democrats. It is also interesting to see that people can see the big or popular percentages, like unemployment, but not actually understand what is going on. People who see unemployment going down which is good, but who are getting the new jobs? If the jobs are being created in the professional fields, then the "little guys" are just getting left in the dust. I don't know if this point will hurt the democrats, but it definitely gives republicans some dirt to use.

  5. This is a very interesting point because normally the decrease in unemployment would be a positive for the democrats, however, if you dig more deeply into which industry the unemployment is declining in it isn't too promising. However, this isn't surprising because the truth is is that most of the manufacturing jobs are moving overseas. Its interesting to note that a previous blog was about how the construction industry is seeing huge growth, however this recent unemployment report clearly sows that the blue collar workers aren't benefiting form it. Since the 2008 recession the unemployment rate regarding blue collar workers has definitely been a huge problem due to the lack of demand.

  6. Republicans may try to use this point against Democrats but i don't think it's a very strong one. I don't think it's impressive to brag about a somewhat successful job market. I also don't believe Democrats are too surprised by this. Technology is an exogenous factor that is becoming bigger and bigger. Certain jobs are changing and becoming more advance and require certain skill.
