Sunday, September 14, 2014

Veterans Affairs hopes to hire as many as 36000 new workers.

The new secretary Robert McDonald announced that the VA department needs many new medical workers. He hopes to fill the vacant positions including doctors, nurses, and consultants.

One of the bigger issues that the VA needs to address, is creating a value proposition for its employees. Along with that goal, is the charge to adapt their organization's "culture," in the hopes to attract more applicants. McDonald has already expanded an outreach program to recruit from medical schools.

A new demand for medical students will likely impact the market and it will be interesting to see the extent of this new recruitment campaign.


  1. I really like Robert McDonald's point when he says the VA needs to build "an employee value proposition." I think our generation will continue to see a rise in worker benefits and a positive change in the culture of the work place.

    With that said it is amazing to hear that the VA plans to hire 36,000 new healthcare positions. This industry seems to be growing very quickly with the new healthcare system and an industry college students should be watching as they begin to look for jobs.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think that this sounds like a win-win for both the VA and the general job market. I feel that changing the VA's "culture" is a very important focus for the organization to have. I'm also interested to see the impact that these new hires will have on both the job market and the VA.

  4. This is definitely a good sign for employment. The increase in demand for medical doctors, especially tens of thousands, can have a significant impact on the job market. This is especially true since not only are they hiring medical doctors, but also support staff such as librarians, clerks, electrician etc.

  5. This is a great opportunity to hire kids fresh out of college to fill those couple of thousand spots. The program that the secretary created will make it easier and make those qualified aware of these job openings. This is great for the economy in the long run and will employ a good percentage of medical graduates now and in the next couple of years.
