Saturday, September 20, 2014

Unemployment rates rise in 24 US states in August;_ylt=AwrBEiFRyx1U3kAAp4aTmYlQ
According to the article, unemployment rises in nearly half of the states in the US. This is because demand for workers increases, more people searching for jobs while people don't immediately find the jobs. It makes the job gains nationwide in August the weakest this year.
Georgia and Mississipi has highest unemployment rate so far, 8.1% and 7.9% respectively.
The nationwide unemployment is now 6.1%, compared to. 6.2% last month.
North Dakota has lowest unemployment rate so far, with just 2.8%.
States has biggest job gains are Texas, California, Michigan.
Midwest has lowest unemployment rate among the four nation's region.


  1. Unemployment is always a concern but I feel it has been getting increasingly better. In 2011 at this time unemployment was 9.0% in 2012 it dropped to 8.2% then it dropped to 7.2% in 2013 and now it is at 6.1%.

    We are definitely heading in the right direction but it would be interesting to see how many people in the labor force are actually working at jobs they like or want to work at. There has been a huge increase in low level jobs but our generation doesn't want these jobs and I think this could be a huge problem in our future. Just here in Delaware there are "help wanted" signs at almost every fast food restaurant but they can't find anyone to hire.

    1. This is only for short term only. For long term, of course things change. Therefore, it is still a good sign that things change.

  2. The current unemployment rate of 6.1% is undoubtedly better than what it was a few years ago. Low unemployment rates in the Midwest is definitely a great boost for this regions economy. More people are now becoming interested in moving towards this region as a result. It will be a good thing for them as they will possibly be able to find more jobs here although the type of jobs they perform and their likability still remain a concern. I wonder if the wage rates will get seriously affected because of this migration within states in the long run if this trend continues.

  3. 6.1% is definitely a lower number than a few years back (9.0%, 8.2% and 7.2%). However, the numbers can be very misleading. I'm interested in whether the rates decreased because people are finding jobs and employers are doing a good job, or more people are leaving the labor force.

  4. I agree with Quang. I am also interested to see if the decline is due to people being successful in finding a job or weather they have given up and left the labor force completely.
